
We support our employees and the communities we serve by driving workplace gender diversity, nurturing local economies and fostering long-term, positive and enduring social impacts.

Implementing sustainable solutions

As a responsible global entity, sustainability is at the centre of everything we do at Etihad Energy Ltd. For us it means conducting our business with mindfulness and responsibility towards all our stakeholders, ensuring prosperous relationships between our company and host communities.

We will always prioritize the protection of life and the environment by constantly seeking and implementing sustainable solutions. We support our employees and the communities we serve by driving workplace gender diversity, nurturing local economies and fostering long-term, positive and enduring social impacts.

HSSEQ (Health, Safety, Security, Environment & Quality)

Safeguarding Health, Ensuring Safety

The safety, health and security of our people, of local communities where we do business and of our partners are a top priority for us at Etihad Energy Ltd. We conduct our business activities following all international regulatory standards and all national laws and policies safeguarding the health and safety of workers. Our HSE policy thrives on the principles of prevention, protection, awareness, promotion and participation with the aim to ensure the wellbeing of our workers, to protect the environment and the public general welfare.

We see ourselves as environmental stewards who believe in building a prosperous and safe future for all, which is why we consistently make efforts to mitigate environmental, health and safety risks. These efforts include using natural resources efficiently and eliminating or minimizing potential hazards to land, water, air and wildlife in our operations. We can proudly say we have a robust HSE policy in place and our employees are well trained, which is how we have been able to build a good safety track record that is not just about numbers but reflects genuine care for each individual.

Ethics & Compliance

We conduct our business at Etihad Energy Ltd following high ethical standards. We tie ethics, compliance and integrity actions to the precepts of our core business values; DRIPS, through which we then operate within a moral code of conduct. We comply with industry standards and adhere strictly to regulatory statutes of the oil & gas industry in regions where we operate.

Local Content

At Etihad Energy, we are actively engaged in developing local content in line with the Federal Government mandate to improve local exploration and production in the oil & gas sector. We have in place as part of our operational drive, a sustainability strategy towards optimizing our corporate commitment to the Nigerian Local Content Act, aimed at developing Nigeria's oil industry capacities and capabilities, following statutory and regulatory guidelines.

Our Strategy

Our local content sustainability strategy is structured to achieve the following:

  • Prioritize and maximize the use of local labour, goods, services and equipment for fabrication and assembly work elements.
  • Utilization of local labour, goods and services for construction, installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning work elements.
  • Utilization of local representatives and/or agencies, for the importation of equipment originating from outside Nigeria.
  • Utilization of competent Nigerian manufacturers and fabricators as appropriate in the manufacture, assembly and fabrication of parts.
  • Provision of jobs in the form of internships, contract and full-time employment for local talents who possess the required skills set.

Facilitating a workspace culture for proactive learning, productive collaboration, healthy competition and timeline promotions.

Corporate Governance

We derive our corporate governance and business principles from The AA & R group synergy to deliver outstanding performance in all our business endeavours over the long term, which we believe can only be achieved where everyone conforms to a set of high standards and sustainable shared values. We strongly uphold our corporate values and passionately conduct our business in a highly ethical manner that promotes free enterprise, excellence and competitiveness.

Diversity & Inclusion

As a culturally diverse organization, we acknowledge and honour the fundamental rights of all individuals, pledging ourselves into creating and sustaining an environment respectful of gender, diverse traditions, religious, tribal, heritages and experiences. We believe that creating a workforce and a workplace that values diversity and fosters inclusion is pivotal to growth, innovation, productivity and profitability. We are committed to leveraging our organizational diversity through teamwork and cross-functional collaboration to help us meet and exceed our business goals, ensuring our position as a thought leader in our industry.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach at Etihad Energy Ltd supports our business model and reflects the essence of our core values, which we believe help make us corporate citizens. CSR for us includes how we conduct relationships with all our stakeholders and the wider impact we have on the communities and the environment where we actively work. We have set high standards across our asset portfolio with which we measure our CSR efforts and impress the degree of importance we ascribe to being the EPCI partner of choice.

CSR is ingrained into our core business practices through value-adding products and services and the development of local communities through sustainable social investments and our CSR vision is to;

  • be a responsible and transparent business in all the areas in which we operate, believing this is fundamental in generating long-term growth for the company;
  • create lasting legacies for local communities;
  • operate to the highest international social, environmental and safety standards; and
  • maintain high standards of corporate governance.